SO last month I sold ONE new household item only, my reason being I didn't like the scent of it and so was surplus to requirements, the buyer was happy with their purchase, but I was baffled when I received this message containing a death threat to my Ebay messages box from a random Ebayer who was clearly unhappy with my one-off sale of the item:
I rightfully reported this to Ebay who said they will take action, such as a warning, but shockingly they let the user keep their account. I was expecting them to take serious action against him, only to find he is still a registered user and active on EBay! It will say they are no longer a registered user if they are banned, sadly EBay do not protect people from death threats! Ebay state they dealt with it, but surely they should have closed the member's account for sending a death threat! They did not deal with it appropriately in my opinion and Ebay remains an unsafe platform.
Ebay also say: ''Before we take action, we consider the circumstances of a report and the member's Feedback, as well as any previous warnings or offenses. To be fair to all members, we won't take action unless a complaint can be proven with certainty.'' what is there to prove - Ebay can see my inbox messages and the death threat and in fact have said they have seen it on Ebay so it is proven with ALL certainty. What a cop out!